Prayer Shawl Ministry
“…and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” -Romans 13:9b
The prayer shawl groups meets to knit and crochet together. The prayer shawls are distributed to the sick or those in need of some healing comfort as well as for new members and in celebration of special events. They also make hats, scarves, lap blankets, baby blankets, and more for ministry to local hospitals and care centers.
Prayers shawls are blessed by the congregation before being given to their recipient—the prayer shawl is not just a comfort and gift, but represents that our congregation is praying for the one who receives it.
The Prayer Shawl group meets on Wednesdays from 2-4pm in the church office. Anyone is welcome to come and take part in this special ministry and to knit or crochet in fellowship with others.
Yarn donations for the group are also welcome.